Our first snow fall!

I have a bunch of other posts in the queue, but I wanted to show you guys our first snow fall!

(^ awkward face! YES.)
(this is me protesting the cold... I lost. The coat went back on.)
Joe Fresh Jacket & striped top; AE plaid top; F21 jeans; Payless boots

The first snow fall is always the best. You look outside and suddenly "Let it Snow" gets stuck in your head. Then it stays there for the whole day... which can be slightly annoying. But it's an exciting time of the year! Things start to look my Christmas-y and it gives cold days a purpose (anyone else agree?).  

But this weekend temperatures are supposed to rise again. Then all of the snow will melt and I'll get to do this all over again next week. That's okay, I'm not ready for Christmas yet. The snow can come back December 1st and then I'll be happy :)


  1. Love the mix of prints you have going on! Very cute!

    And I agree with you on the snow - I so wasn't ready for it yesterday!

  2. Yeah its nice to have some snow on the ground and you look toasty warm, love the colors of the colorred shirt.

    xo nav

  3. I'm so the opposite! I'm super ready for Christmas, but that's probably because that means end of exams and a nice long break :)

    I love love love that jacket! Joe Fresh rocks my socks.

    I know your from Canada hun, but where from exactly?


  4. I love snow for Christmas, but after that I want it to be warm again haha. Cute jacket!

  5. Ah Kelly your blog is looking so great! And you have the cutest style. I was so exited about Vancouver's first snowfall too - I was unlucky enough not to get any pictures in it though! Hopefully it comes back soon... am I crazy to wish that?

    Xo Chelle


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