H&M top; American Apparel leggings; Payless boots; Castellammare Jewellery necklace

Ya that's right. I'm mad at Friday.
On Wednesday it felt like Friday. It wasn't, so I was upset.
On Thursday it felt like Friday. It wasn't, so I was even more upset.
And now that Friday has come around, I'm just annoyed with it.
Seriously. Why couldn't it be there when I needed it on Wednesday?
Ugh. So by-the-book, Friday is.


  1. Ha! Well hopefully you'll welcome Saturday with open arms :)

    And seriously, I want to steal that outfit and just wear it 24/7. It looks so comfy!!

  2. Haha, I hate when that happens! I love your oversized top...looks comfy!

    The Tiny Heart

  3. Oh, Friday. But how can we stay mad at Friday? Especially because it brings those good friends, Saturday and Sunday, along.


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