My fight with the wind.

At first I was losing...

And then I was winning!

Annnd then the wind decided to throw a swift final punch, ending the game.

Jacket from F21; Shirt from Zara; Jeggings from Dynamite; Booties from Sirens; Purse (no brand) from eBay

Along with losing this battle, my necklace is kind of awkwardly placed. Sorry 'bout that!

I've also got a bit of a rant for you guys today!  It's not that interesting, but here it goes:
This month I have spent so much on electronics that I have no budget left for clothing.  I feel like such a boy. First my cell started crapping out, so I had to put down a bunch of cash on a new phone.  Then, our 4-yr old desktop computer decided it didn't want to work anymore (it's been sooo slow for months now...).  So we ran out to Best Buy today to get a new one (super cheap though! It was a great find!).  What's next? My laptop? Probably, it's been on the outs too for a while... ugh.  Why does it all happen at the same time? I'm not rich enough for this!

I just want to go out and buy pretty clothing :(


  1. Cute outfit! I love that jacket!

    And I'm sorry to hear about your phone/computer. My blackberry and laptop broke last summer during the same week! It was horrible! I feel your pain.

  2. Lovely Outfit!
    Hey - don't worry your laptop won't break too. 2 crashes at the same time are enough :)

  3. I want pretty clothing too :(

    Monique xx

  4. love the shirt!!!

    happy holidays!!!
    xoxo from rome

  5. Love this simple and chic outfit! I adore the bag!!

  6. sorry to hear about your comp/phone! :(

    wind or no wind...u still look adorable. :)

  7. lovely look.
    the jacket has such a rad cut.


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