Gooooooooood morning. Or should I say afternoon..
Let's have another coffee date today, shall we? As you know from past coffee dates, basically I talk about nothing important and take pictures about it.
So how is everyone today? What are you enjoying?
My Keurig is my favourite thing. Today it made me a Timothy's Cinnamon Pastry coffee. Add some maple syrup and almond milk and WOW. This thing is fiiiiiiiiiiiiiine.
To accompany my coffee, I'm eating popcorn. I went to the movies with Marianna yesterday and we got ourselves some specialty popcorn. What you see here is a mix of Chocolate Caramel & Caramel popcorn. I'm very obviously enjoying my leftovers.

Except I haven't eaten lunch yet. Pictured here: cucumbers, hummus and cranberry bread with peanut butter. Not as exciting as the chocolate caramel popcorn, but I eat this to earn the popcorn. So it is good enough for me!
I've been breaking in a new pair of boots and I think they're out to get me. 2 weeks of wearing them, and all of a sudden my feet start to really hurt. When I walk it hurts - i.e. when the toes bend. So after a few days of comfy shoes and no relief I went to the clinic. Doctor told me that my bone's being stressed, and I need to stay off my feet or it could break.
So in the nature of "not walking" ... I limped to an appointment I had a couple blocks away from me downtown this morning. I wore my hair like this. I never ever wear buns in public, so it felt pretty cray to do.
And because the wind has decided to attack the city, my ears were sodamncold and my big scarf helped. I wore it like this to keep warm, and it was fab. Thank you scarf, you have served me well over the years.
Now I'm back home. I just finished making a slow cooker meal and now I'm rocking out to Snow Patrol's If there's a rocket tie me to it (my favourite song of theirs...uuughh god it's sooo goooood).
In the slow cooker I've got a sort of beef stew, but I definitely didn't follow any recipes so wish me luck. Seriously, I am not a fancy cook. I need it.
What are you up to this fine sunday? Do anything fun over the weekend!?
I made my first slow cooker meal yesterday, it was so good! I found a recipe on pinterest, I def. Need some kind of recipe to follow lol.. that sucks about your foot, how are you suppose to stay off it and still get around.!?
ReplyDeleteThis weekend was filled with nothing but relaxing.. But today I shot a bunch of outfits for the blog!
Snow Patrol is awesome! I've seen them live twice and it they were killing it both times. So worth the extreme ticket prices for rock festivals. Anyhowww... Sorry to hear about your foot! It sounds awful and painful so I hope it heals soon :) Hopefully you have some friends to help you get around now too :) xo
ReplyDeleteThis is my favourite post ever! I love all the pictures. Also your skin is looking fab ... and you are too... lots of love girly!!!
ReplyDeleteHahaha! Love it! And check out those guns you're rockin!
Hahahahaha you're awesome. I miss you like crazy. Oh my gosh I wish you were around :(
ReplyDeleteYou always look so cute, even when you're just hanging at home, hair up. Jealous.
ReplyDeleteI want some of that popcorn!