Budget? What budget?

Every day I get closer to moving, I am reminded that I need to set a budget and stick to it. I've sat down and come up with some rough numbers, but I think it'll take a month or two to see what little expenses I haven't accounted for.

I have a bunch of things I want in the near future, but now I need to spread these wants out over several months. Like a quality tote, some really good sunglasses and a tattoo. Instead, I have to worry about things like rent, hydro, food and transportation first. Plus, my goal is to save 20-25% of my income. So woohoo for priorities.

Me: I want this!

My bank account: 


Being a grown up sucks.

I've decided $100 for clothing each month. To hold me accountable, I will join the ranks of bloggers who feature monthly purchases. This should help keep me on track, and if not, I hope that you will yell at me. With big capital letters. And threaten to take away all of my chocolate.
Then I might listen.
I really like my chocolate.

See y'all with my monthly budget re-caps at the end of the month! Do you follow a clothing budget?


  1. Ugh. Budgeting. I neeeeeeed to actually do this. I also advise you to watch the Jenna Marbles video on YouTube called "I hate being a grownup." It's pretty much my life (and apparently yours too) right now haha


    1. I LOVE Jenna Marbles. I've seen that video - it's so awesome.

  2. I also have a clothing budget for each month! My husband and I both get $100 a month for "spending money". I normally spend this money on clothes and he spends his on video games, CDs, and stuff. What we do is get the $100 out in cash at the beginning of the month. This way, once our cash is gone, our spending money budget is gone. This holds me so accountable because I CAN'T buy that to-die-for purse that is on sale at TJMaxx if I don't have cash. Good luck on your budget!

    1. Ooooh that's a really good idea. Go only cash for spending. Love it. Thanks!

  3. love this purple tote! amazing thing!!
    hope u like my purposes as i loved your blog

    Sergio, xx

  4. Haha, your sad face is so sad! I know what you mean though, sticking to a strict budget is so crappy but so necessary.

    Do you read Franish? Franziska has a monthly "Budgeting Bloggers" linkup for clothes budgets. I link up, but always forget to mention it in my posts, haha. Here's the "about" page for it: http://franish.blogspot.com/p/budgetting-bloggers.html. You should join in!

    1. It is sad because I'm sad! But only a little ;)
      I haven't seen that link-up but I'll definitely look into participating! Seems like I might need some support too lol...

  5. oh god I KNOWWWWW! But girl, you have your own place nowww!! YAY!

    1. PARTY WOOOO!!! ... like an adult, of course.

  6. Gosh that bag is gorgeous! I don't have a budget, but I won't spend money on clothes until more important things have been paid for the month like rent and bills :)

    The Tiny Heart

    1. Yeah, all my bills are due at the beginning of the month so it'll be pretty easy to monitor the budget :) Sounds like a good way to do it!

  7. Good luck with your budgeting! I wish I could figure out a way to stick with one.

    1. Thanks Sarah! I'm not good at sticking to them so Im hoping social pressure will help ... lol!

  8. Using social pressure as a way to stick to your budget, and even doing so voluntarily, you are one dare devil! Good luck with saving (not sure I mean that for the bag or for the rent) ;-) x

    1. Social pressure is only because I know I can't do it otherwise! hehe thanks :)

  9. Ok I may have to join you on this clothing budget and we can hold each other accountable! I don't give myself a budget at all and spend wayyyy too much on small purchases that add up quickly!

    1. Seriously! By the end of the month I'm like... HOW did I spend that much???

  10. I don't have a budget I give myself each month, but I do make sure all my bills are paid before I spend any extra money. That's part of the reason I started thrifting! You can find lots of great things for not a lot of money at all.

  11. I probably should have a budget. Instead I wait until stuff goes on sale and buy it. (Because if it's on sale, even if it's still slightly expensive, it doesn't count, RIGHT?!) You go for keeping yourself accountable!

    But I love that purse!! Maybe Target has a cheaper alternative?

  12. It's definitely super important to have a savings! Good luck with your monthly budget, you can do it! :)

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  13. that bag is quite a beaut! i really like seeing how bloggers have spent their dolla dolla bills each month, so welcome aboard!

    dash dot dotty

  14. Ooh staking your chocolate on it - big call!! I do have a budget, but sticking to it is another matter entirely.... :S



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