A year of single.

So when I said this blog would become personal, here's an example of how. Beware, this'll be a long post. 

About a year ago, I became single for the first time in almost 7 years. Since the age of 16, I had both a year-long relationship, and when that crumbled, jumped into a 5 and 1/2 year long relationship with my most recent ex-boyfriend.

When we broke up, my biggest fear was:
What am I going to do with my life? How do you be single? 

I had "grown up" in the 7 years that I was in relationships. I went from my sweet-16 up until my very last semester of University. I went through lots of personal growth with someone there to turn to, someone to be with. Which is why I expected the transition to single-hood to be very difficult.

We ended the lease on our apartment and I moved back home with my family. They gave me any love and support I needed. I spent almost two weeks with my amazing cousin who kept my mind off of boys. I started spending more and more time with my best friend, and finally saw her more than once every couple of months. I rekindled relationships and started spending time with some people who have turned into amazing friends over the year.

I started to realize that being single wasn't so bad.

But then I was shocked by a reaction I recently had. A couple weeks ago, I ran into someone who I hadn't seen in years. We started talking and she asked who I was seeing - not if I was seeing someone. I admit to having felt a little embarrassed that I wasn't in a relationship, or even dating anyone. Everyone she knows, and nearly everyone that I know, is.  

It gave that evil part inside of me the chance to whisper:  
It's because you're weird, ugly, not good enough

But then I realized there's nothing to be embarrassed about. Being single is just as normal as being in a relationship,  and means nothing more than you haven't found the right person yet. I feel like I am finally beginning to figure out who I am and who I want to be. That's the most important thing in life. I haven't felt stress like I used to - mostly because I'm only taking care of myself. I don't make decisions based on anyone else but me.

Being single isn't the pain I thought it would be. I've begun to love myself, appreciate the alone times, and think about me and what I truly want.

It's just another way of life. Something to be embraced, enjoyed and celebrated.
And I'm finally figuring out how to do it.


  1. I loved reading this- thank you for opening up. I dated a guy for 10 years, from 15-25 and went immediately from him to my now husband. I hadn't intended for that to happen and at the beginning of my relationship with Brandon was even trying to find ways OUT because I didn't know how to be single, to be on my own. But I was lucky enough to have met someone who let me figure out who I was while I was still with him. I was like you though- how would I BE single, what do people DO when they're single?

    So now I say, enjoy it! Date around, meet lots of guys-- and do it for both of us since I'll never get that chance :) And then when you're ready, the perfect guy will find you. And never, EVER think that you're "weird, ugly, not good enough" because you're a beautiful person, inside and out. Don't let anyone make you feel like that.

    1. Thanks Sarah. I've finally realized that I need to embrace and enjoy this time in my life. Everything happens for a reason and I truly believe that this year off has given me the time to reflect and embrace my life. I appreciate the comment :)

  2. It's better to be single than to be with the wrong person! The right person will find you, and that happens when one least excepts it :)

    1. So very true. Thank you for the comment, Lilly!

  3. You are an amazing gal! So glad you've gotten through this yeah stronger than ever :) lots of love from me to you! Xoxo Kimiko

  4. Thank you so much for sharing this Kelly. I had similar situations. I was with someone from age 15-19 and then with someone age 22-26. When I was single, it was hard to figure out how and it was a little embarrassing when people would ask me that stuff--especially with kids. But, at age 28, I started dating my husband and I have to say, he was definitely worth the wait and the questions asked by acquaintances. Plus, I'm a better and stronger person now than I was with the other two, while I was still figuring out "me".

    1. It is hard when everyone "expects" you to be in a relationship. I've realized that not a lot of people expect people in their 20's to be single. Which is weird, because this is kind of "the time" to be your own person. Thank you for sharing your experiences :)

  5. I'm so happy for you! One of my dear friends from college just ended her engagement a few months ago, and is already trying to find fiance #2. She recently confided in me that she hasn't been single for over a week since she was 9. Even though I know being single can stink some times, I think you did the smart thing and took time for yourself. :D

    1. Yeah, the time to myself has been great and I only JUST realized how much it has meant. Since 9 years old? Wow, she hasn't had a chance to sit back by herself for a while, I bet. Thanks for sharing :)

  6. First, thank you for opening up! Second, you are young girl.. I say enjoy being single now! Have fun, meet guys, hang out with your girlfriends, spend time alone. And don't ever ever think you are "ugly weird or not good enough." You are an awesome beautiful person! You just haven't met the right guy yet and that is okay. Enjoy your life and being able to be selfish now before you are shacked up with one person for the rest of your life! haha..

    1. Thanks Melody :) I appreciate the comment. I am kind of enjoying the selfishness of being single... I know this won't last forever, so I'm glad I have learned to appreciate it while I've got it.

  7. Wow Kelly, sounds like you went through a really tough time - some big changes - but have come out so strong! Learning to look after yourself is so important - whether you are in or out of a relationship. I wasn't in a serious relationship until half way through uni - and I'd already lived overseas by myself for a year, travelled by myself etc. It's important to have that 'alone' time to really work out how to be independent and enjoy your singledom :)


    1. Thanks Corinne :) Sounds like you got a lot of things accomplished during your "alone" time! I am still living with my parents while I figure out my next steps, but hopefully soon I'll get to move out and have full single freedom. Thanks for sharing :)

  8. She probably expected you to be seeing someone because you are the exact opposite of all those things you said about yourself! And you're right - being single is just fine - in fact, I tend to think it's a whole lot better than being with someone who isn't right for you.

  9. I was once in your shoes. I was single for a year and I really enjoyed it! A LOT!! Being single is fun! Sometimes I miss it too. But I won't change what I have now :)

    So for the time being.. I just lock myself in the bathroom. LOL

    Love your whole blog and feel!

  10. Look at how much you've grown!! You're an amazing example of taking advantage of every situation you're in. When you DO start dating someone, or marry the perfect man for you, it's going to be the BEST relationship ever because of the love and knowledge you've gained for yourself!

  11. Aw, I'm sorry and also happy for you. Learning to be you for you is an amazing feeling and I know plenty of people not in a relationship. It's totally normal and I'm glad your friends are still around. I know a lot of girls who cut everyone off and then have no one. The phase you're in right now is seriously the best.

  12. I had a tendency to be a serial dater. I loathed being single so much that I decided I needed to be single my whole freshman year of college to help me focus. I learned so much about myself, seemed to make myself more boy crazy than possible, but it was in that time I learned how to do things for me and I am grateful I did that.

    Now that I am married I still have to step back sometimes and learn. My husband travels a lot for his job and it is hard to switch back and forth from being a wife to needing to fulfill all of my needs again.

  13. Good for you! Don't ever think that you're single because you're not "something" enough for somebody. You're amazing and funny and beautiful, and the right guy will see that. You just haven't found him yet.

  14. Kelly, this was a brave blog post to write and completely inspirational. I sometimes think about how being single would be so challenging, especially as I've been in serious relationships since I was 16. It's wonderful to get to know yourself, re-connect with friends and focus on your own development. Everything happens for a reason!


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