In the past, I had never been a successful gym-er. Especially during my university years. There was a time when I'd gone more than a year without a workout... Not really a proud moment for my health.
So about a year ago, I made the decision to sign up for the gym and work it into my routine. Today I can say that I've been successful. Since last January, I've made it between 3 and 4 times every week. I've taken breaks when necessary (like when I got a sinus infection, when I strained my hip flexor, and during the really busy times), but in general, I've kept it up.
Side note: wow I take a lot of gym instagrams...
It's always hard to fit work-outs into life, and I know many people struggle with making it a habit. Here are some of the things I've done/tips I have if you've made it a resolution and are losing momentum:
1. Follow your hair-wash schedule. This used to be my biggest excuse NOT to go... But now, I wash my hair every 2nd day, and I make it a rule that I can't wash it without making it dirty first.
2. Stay entertained. Luckily, my gym has TVs set up so I'm easily distracted. I make sure to bring my phone to play my favourite "pump-up" music super loud. If all else fails, bring a magazine to read. Distractions make the time pass faster and everything feels less painful.
3. Learn how to use the machines/accessories available to you. Test them all to find out what you like. The gym sucks when you hate what you're doing. You can find a routine that you enjoy if you try different things.
4. Bring a friend. That way you force each other to go. No excuses. I've also heard that some people put $1 in a jar for every time they go to the gym. After a number of times, they reward themselves with the money they've saved.
5. Think about the rewards. The amazing feeling afterwards, the health benefits and not to mention the physical changes. It's all worth it.
I'm so much happier since making this change in my life. If you've made gymming a part of your New Years resolution and you're hitting "the wall", don't give up. It's about learning what works for you :)