
I instagram too many pictures of my pets.
I can't help it when they do cute things.
I feel the need to document all of it.

The inevitable.

I caught a cold.
It was inevitable.
Please pray that it doesn't turn into the crazy flu going around.
Or that it doesn't become a sinus infection.

Oh please.

Our second coffee date.

Since our first coffee date went quite well, I figured we could have a repeat today. 
You know, cause I'm drinking coffee and my computer is on my lap.  
And I've got nothing better to do on a Sunday.

Gilmore Girls. This has been my life these last few weeks. 
I got all of the seasons for Christmas and just started season 5 this morning. 
It was my favourite high school show, and I'm loving re-watching it. 

So who invented adult acne?! We were supposed to be done with pimples when we grew out of teenage-hood. No matter what I do, when one goes away, another one decides to attack. 
Attack, I tell ya. 

My dog thinks he's a lap dog. He likes to climb on me when I sit on the couch. 
Today, I took a spot on the recliner chair and he can't sit on me. 
He's confused and can't figure out why.

Also, you are very lucky enough to experience my bed head this morning. 
Isn't it sexy? It's pretty awesome. 
Also that face. Isn't that face sexy?

Do you guys have any questions for me for our next coffee date?
That is, if you want to have another coffee date?
Ask away and I shall answer! Maybe.

Patchwork pants.

Why is it that I'm completely drawn to ripped, destroyed and patched jeans?

Happy weekend!

Creating a gym routine.

In the past, I had never been a successful gym-er. Especially during my university years. There was a time when I'd gone more than a year without a workout... Not really a proud moment for my health.

So about a year ago, I made the decision to sign up for the gym and work it into my routine. Today I can say that I've been successful. Since last January, I've made it between 3 and 4 times every week. I've taken breaks when necessary (like when I got a sinus infection, when I strained my hip flexor, and during the really busy times), but in general, I've kept it up.

Side note: wow I take a lot of gym instagrams...

It's always hard to fit work-outs into life, and I know many people struggle with making it a habit. Here are some of the things I've done/tips I have if you've made it a resolution and are losing momentum:

1. Follow your hair-wash schedule. This used to be my biggest excuse NOT to go... But now, I wash my hair every 2nd day, and I make it a rule that I can't wash it without making it dirty first.

2. Stay entertained. Luckily, my gym has TVs set up so I'm easily distracted. I make sure to bring my phone to play my favourite "pump-up" music super loud. If all else fails, bring a magazine to read. Distractions make the time pass faster and everything feels less painful. Seriously.

3. Learn how to use the machines/accessories available to you. Test them all to find out what you like. The gym sucks when you hate what you're doing. You can find a routine that you enjoy if you try different things.

4. Bring a friend. That way you force each other to go. No excuses. I've also heard that some people put $1 in a jar for every time they go to the gym. After a number of times, they reward themselves with the money they've saved.

5. Think about the rewards. The amazing feeling afterwards, the health benefits and not to mention the physical changes. It's all worth it.

I'm so much happier since making this change in my life. If you've made gymming a part of your New Years resolution and you're hitting "the wall", don't give up. It's about learning what works for you :)

This daydream is dangerous.

These days I feel like I'm living inside a Taylor Swift song. 
My pants are Barbie pink and awesome.
And I'm wearing my new wedge boots.
But you can't quite see them.
Too much snow.

Anyone want to fund a vacation to Florida for me? 
K, thanks.

Books, books, books.

When I grow up, I want this in my house:

Now, to get this I need a few things like money, an actual house, a good architect... but most of all, books.

Over the last year I've focused on reading for fun. Before that it was textbooks upon textbooks, and I never wanted to spend more time reading because my eyes hurt from studying. Yes, that is my story and I'm sticking to it. But now I have pretty much all the time in the world to read books that I actually like.

So here I am, asking all of my wonderful readers, do you have any book recommendations? I'm not picky and I like to have an open mind when it comes to reading, so any suggestions are much appreciated. I have list ready to write them all down, I promise!

Burnt orange.

And sometimes you just have to have fun when you're talking pictures of yourself.
It's not good to be serious all the time :)

In other news, I've tried Intense Debate. And I've tried Disqus. I just can't get used to another comment platform. Sorry for all the switching up, guys. I'm going to stick with blogger for now. 

Better late than never.

Dress: American Apparel

My New Years Eve outfit.
Better late than never, I guess.
Pictures of that night didn't turn out, so I recreated it with less make-up and curl.

Obviously I went for the dress.
It's a bit short, but I practically pet myself all night because it was soft.
So I was okay with it.

Unexpected gifts.

They're the best. Just like these earrings.

They were an unexpected gift from Marianna, owner of the Etsy shop Castellammare designs.  I mentioned how much I absolutely LOVED her rose gold pieces, and she sent me my favourite earrings in the collection as a Christmas gift.

Aren't they beautiful? I wore them on New Years Eve with my outfit (that you will see in a post coming very soon). I love how delicate and feminine they are. The hammered effect is my favourite.

Her spring preview collection is gorgeous too! If you're looking to spruce up your jewellery wardrobe, I would suggest browsing her collections - you may find just the piece you're looking for.

Also note that Sarah over at Coming Unstitched is having a giveaway where you can help design a piece for Castellammare Designs! If design is your thing, check it out!

Note: Earrings were gifted c/o Castellammare designs. I featured them in this post because, frankly, I am in love with them. And her shop. All opinions expressed here are my own. 

The entire cat population is my best friend.

So about the top....

I am 100%, through-and-through, a cat person. I always have been, always will be.
One day my friend sent me a picture of a sweater with this saying. It was sold out, and I was sad.

Then I was on Pinterest (you can follow me here!) and I saw this top. Pinned. 
I followed the link to a small shop in the states called Skreened
They screen-print shirts.
I ordered it.
Here it is.

This is the first time Pinterest has successfully lead me to something that I've purchased.
Way to go, Pinterest. Way to go.

And this is about when I realized it was a bad idea to venture in the snow.
Boot full of snow.

On repeat.

More snow... like we don't have enough already.
I'm wearing this vest so much these days. Probably because I'm in love.

Etsy love: Amanda Catherine Designs

If you follow me on Pinterest, or in case you've started to notice here, I love reading little inspirational notes. A while back, I read a blog that featured Amanda Catherine Designs, a little Etsy shop that features fun and affordable prints. Since then, I've fallen in love with the shop and prints.

Here are a few of my favourites:
I just want to buy all of them... All.Of.Them. 

Note that this was not a sponsored post - just felt like sharing an awesome find with those who might also find it awesome. :)

Zipper detail.

Zipper detail. My favourite part of this shirt. 
Also the sparkly thread sewn into it.
Perfect for a New Years day dinner. 

Coffee date with me!

While enjoying my morning coffee, I figured maybe we could have a coffee date!

I went to the gym earlier and now I'm chowing down on a fried egg sandwich. Because it's protein. And because I don't think I eat enough protein. 
Truth is I don't really like eggs.

Also I got a new shirt. This one's got a bit of a story behind it. 
But all you need to know is that every time I see a kitty I can't help but squeal "kitty!"
If I'm with people I don't know, they think I'm crazy. 
If I'm with my friends, they keep walking. Also thinking I'm crazy.

I've been texting my friends this morning. You know, cause I'm so popular. 

I found this on the table. There were two of them. 
Two 1-kg bars of chocolate. 
For $6.00 each. 
They're not mine, but I might steal one.
Think my parents will notice?

...Now my coffee is cold from talking. 
What's on your agenda today?

Until next time, lovelies!


Poncho: Ardene's
Pants: American Eagle
Boots: Payless
Belt: Forever 21

I look like I'm wearing a blanket. It's really warm. 
Also I feel like a superhero in a cape.
That's gotta count for something.